Monday, June 23, 2008

Mom Weekend

I had a great weekend! It was a weekend full of friends. Just as Intan who enjoyed her circle of friends, so do I. On Friday, I met my dear friend from way back in school and college, now residing in Oman. She's a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) by choice. Quit her high paying job in sales to take care of her 3 children. She has her complains about being a SAHM but couldn't imagine herself going back to work. I had some good tips from her about quitting my job and staying at home with the kids. Definitely will be in touch with her for more.

Then had a gals gathering with some people from work with my kids in tow! These young gals are one of those who are at the peak of their career, climbing the corporate ladders - quite at a fast pace also. I enjoyed their company as it reminded me of how I was before at their age. So eager, so motivated, very ambitious to climb the corporate ladder! As time went by, I somehow climbed down.. bactracked!! Haha! I hope the gals went ahead .. and keep on climbing..

Another visit was to the kids' friend's house. The kids had fun at the playground and I had a nice time getting to know the parents. Another working mom with 3 boys, and no complain about her boys or being a working mom.. and her boys are so well behaved. How nice!

And lastly, on Sunday, despite a half flat tyre, met up with Sharon and went to Kak Zu's house to visit her. She's recuperating from her miscarriage. It was so sad to hear her story having to terminate her pregnancy at 22 weeks due to malformed foetus. You can see tears in her eyes as she related her experience of seeing the dead foetus who already had complete features of a baby. As I know Kak Zu, she is one strong woman!

The weekend went by too fast. The kids had fun and I had too.. with some thinking. I seem to be doing a lot of thinking these days. Reflecting things and the effects they have or not have on me. It must be some sort of syndrome of soon-to-be stay-at-home status that I'm gonna have soon. Clearly I'm a LITTLE bit sacred! And I seem to see things related to it everywhere I go and all around me. Or maybe it's there before but since I did not it give any thought then I kinda did not notice it. I'm now so tuned to it that I tend to see it everywhere. Yes.. I'm trying to prepare myself, mentally and physically (??) to be a SAHM.. except that.. not so.. should be more of WAHM.

And I'm going to have even a better weekend next week.. we'll see..

1 comment:

Mama Chupan said...

So sorry to hear about Kak Zu. And yes, next week should be better coz I am coming.. hehehe..

Eh may be it should be working-at-home-parent (WAHP) rather than just (WAHM). then aa can join you. Dunno if I can speak on behalf of aa but I think he is having a good time. with some free time and internet access, you can keep yourself up-to-date with anything. with maid, you don't have to worry about cooking and housework and can concentrate on the kids. I am sure you will be just fine.