Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sleek September

 I'm not sure if I could call September sleek but I do not know how else to describe my September. September 2024 was full of events that I want to remember.

There were two wedding receptions of two very close persons to my heart. And these receptions took three weekends of September. I simply love it! I got to meet all my relatives, had fun at the colorful events, donned beautiful dresses and savored delicious wedding meals. Ahh such joy.

I also had my anniversary on the same day of one of the receptions. How lovely. Can't believe my marriage is still intact at 27 years. It really is a miracle. Only God knows. The things that we have to go through.. it's unbelievable. 

Then in the midst of all these, my youngest baby finally registered himself for college! How times flew.. the baby is in college. I'm not sure to feel relieved or burdened to the fact that he is staying at home and commute daily to campus. This is not what we plan at all. Not that I want him to get out of the house, but I do feel that being away from the house can teach him some independence and self discovery. But who knows, Allah surely has something better for us to arrange this as such. 

We also had two road trips this month, one to my hometown for a young cousin's wedding (ahh then it is actually 3 weddings). And another trip north tagging along Mr Hubs for a meeting. While he was in a meeting, me and kids managed to savor some great local delicacies. As well as great coffee with a great friend. 

And last but not least.. it was my birthday on the last week of September. Alhamdulillah I made it this far. Alhamdulillah for the good life I've had (though with so many complaints). Alhamdulillah for the great people in my life. Alhamdulillah for everything. 

So there goes. It surely was a wonderful month to remember. And I would say September has always been great to me. Any September.

Please don't mind this entry.. I pen this down for the sake of noting down the events, so that I will remember this month of 2024, so that I will be reminded of how great it was. It is definitely not an entry full of passion writing. I would love to go deeper in each event but the words seemed to be swimming away from me. Oh well! 

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