Monday, October 14, 2024

Life is a gift. Live the moment.

 'Life is a gift. Time is all we have. Live in the present, as best as you can, each and everyday.' This is what Zac Efron says in the Netflix documentary 'Down To Earth'. I watched this documentary in awe. It talks so much about life, mostly focusing on how people is the different continent in the world have a longer life compared to others. Amazingly there's this area in the world called the Blue Zones, where people live longer as they live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. There's this book called The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner. The author travelled the world to the Blue Zones and study the lifestyles of the people of the Blue Zones, how they manage to live above 100 years old. It's a very interesting documentary, unfortunately it did not attract much audience hence was cancelled altogether. But I managed to finish to whole series before it was taken off from Netflix. Apparently people prefer fictions rather than watching documentaries. Even a documentary on how to live longer does not attract people! Obviously we all like a dreamy world better, world that is full of fictions, even it means a shorter life! Really!

But why am I blabbering about this now? 

We had an episode of a health scare last week. My husband thought he was having a stroke! Now that was scary really. But what made it worse is a misdiagnosed by a GP. THAT actually was the scary part, not so much of the pain or discomfort that he was having. Then again it is always better be safe than sorry. After what seemed to be forever waiting in the ER, after a few tests, Alhamdulillah it came out clear that it was not a stroke. Alhamdulillah. I swear, he looked VERY fine except when the GP told him "most of the left blood vessels are blocked, blood is not going much to your brain".. now who wouldn't be scared of such statement. And this come from his most trusted GP. When the specialist (at a hospital, not at the clinic) came to look at him and came out with the MRA results, he said 'don't trust a GP so much when he didn't have the right equipment or expertise to examine you'.. ohhh wellll! 

And so why is he having the symptoms though? Stress. He's been so stressed with many things that week. Including being mad at me .. oh what's new with this eh. But yeah. Stress can lead you to many things including this, and waste of time and energy as well. 

I always view my life as being the difficult one. But come to think of it, it is all about how I view life. If you view your as such, it becomes that. Stress should not be in your system if you view life differently. I am calmer now. Thanks to all the religious classes that I attended. I am more at ease with myself and my surroundings. When you understand how this world works, how your relationship works, how you should view your life, how you should accept your life.. you will feel calmer, at ease, peaceful. The world is temporary anyway, it should not be stressful. Embrace the moment. All has been destined and charted for you. For every little thing that happens, every moment, every second.. it's been written. And you live only for your creator, not for another human being. Not for your spouse, not for your kids. Having these in mind, I found peace. I hope I can live as long as the people in the Blue Zone. Though I still do need to work a little bit more in the healthy lifestyle department.. haha. Yes, you do need to live healthily as well. Then again when you lead a healthy lifestyle, your mind will automatically be more positive hence stress should not be in the system.

Indeed life is a gift. It is a gift you should treasure and take care of. And yes, I am going to live the moment, no regrets, no stress. Bi iznillah. 

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