Thursday, August 29, 2024

The year that almost gone by

 This must be the fastest year of my entire life!! I did not manage to write anything for the past 6 months.. what have I been doing? What have I been doing as to ignore my writing for such a long time? Nothing really! REALLY! I have been postponing my life without realizing that the time passed me by in an instant. 

To say that many things had happened for the past six months.. not really. Not much happened. Nothing extra ordinary I would say. It's just the usual thing, nothing major happened.. life just passed me by.

Now let's see what I had written since last year and compare with the situation now. I noticed there were two major things that I mentioned before. One is the 'decision' that I was supposed to take that should effect my remaining life. On that, last year, no I didn't 'embark' on it. I decided against it, hence my life remains as it is. However, psychologically I feel more at ease. I just changed my perspective towards it. I learnt hard that you cannot expect anything from human, you must totally depend, expect, and ask ONLY from the almighty ALLAH. For whatever you want, every little thing, everything you only get FROM Him.. for whatever you do, you do it FOR Him. Hence, you get appreciation/rewards only FROM Him as well, DO NOT expect anything from another human out of love or out of anything that you do for them. NO NO. Not especially out of LOVE for another human. Even your love should be entirely for ALLAH. Having said this, I pledge and devote my remaining life and love only for HIM. Because I know, HE will not leave me, disappoint me and let alone judge me. Bi iznillah, my life will be more calm and peaceful.

Another thing that I wrote early this year is my quest to be healthier, i.e to lose some fat! Alhamdulillah I fare better in this section too! I manage to control my diet hence lose some extra fat though not much. But I managed to control my cravings and managed to fit into my fave baju kurung without much fuss. Alhamdulillah. It's not so much to fit into baju kurung really but I need to be lighter for the sake of my knees. My knees cannot be burdened by heavy weight as it is losing it's smoothness due to arthritis. I'm partially handicapped when it comes to my knees.. and I'm not even 60 yet! But Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I can still walk, climb the stairs and cycle. Been going for physiotherapy sessions since early of the year, still trying to strengthen my calf and thigh muscles. Hope this will work.

The only thing that is still pending, and I think it will be for now, is my work. Did not manage to land any translation job (maybe I don't look hard enough) and did not manage to get new clients or investments. Then again, I know these need efforts. The efforts that I don't go for. It is entirely up to me. This is the section that I'm not so keen to work on, though I would die for extra bucks. But I do believe the rizq from Allah. Hence I don't worry so much. In shaa Allah there'll be something for me in store.

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah i manage to update this today. What I did not update is the children's department, which also got me into a little bit of whirlwind this year. But yeah, let's save it for the next post. 

In shaa Allah till next. Alhamdulillah.

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