Monday, November 9, 2020

Another closure in life: Forgiveness

 I had an unexpectedly pleasant closure in life. It's closing of an old wound.. a good one. Something that I thought I would never do. Forgiving someone who treated you so bad in life was never easy. But I did it. After so many years. after many rounds of listening to the learned ustaz and ustazah, I feel deeply in my heart and give my forgiveness. I'm not sure if this person even knew I was hurting and never forgive her in my heart. I only showed it through my actions.

And now, with all my heart, I forgive her. For whatever she said to me, intentionally or not, I forgive her. And with that I feel so good. With that I can feel my heart feels lighter. I got the chance to see this person face to face and act as though nothing ever happened between us. I was genuinely natural towards her, as compared to before. I used to avoid her or not go to where I think she would be. Now I am free, I don't have to avoid anybody anymore. 

Alhamdulillah. As I am writing this, I am smiling (as corny as it may sound). I have no feelings towards her anymore. The hatred is gone. The hurt is gone. It may not be replaced with love or friendship even, but just as sisters in eyes of God. 

I wish her the best in life .. well.. she's already living a good life, so to speak. Then, may she continue to prosper in life, and have a good afterlife. In shaa Allah.


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