Suddenly life becomes incomplete. The house is quieter than usual. There's always leftover meals. What seemed to be not enough before seemed to be too much! The laundry basket shrinks.
It's all because one little darling has hopped off to another planet. No longer in my planet. Irsyad has settled himself in a hostel (which unfortunately has become my constant worry!). We decided (including him) that he should give it a try. I was not impressed at all with his living condition though the school claimed to be one of the top school in the state. But he seemed to living it pretty well. No complaint whatsoever. One thing about boarding schools in Malaysia is that you don't get what you chose. And you always have to settle for whatever they give you. Well of course, unless you have the RM and choose the best and the most comfortable one for your child to live in.
It's only been two weeks now. Irsyad went to my sister's place for the weekend they were allowed home. He was ok ok and ok. Somehow after the weekend I think he's beinning to feel homesick. He called me and told me if he has another chance, he wants to be transferred to another boarding school closer to home. UUUUUhhhhh! I said I will try but I can't promise anything. Again.. the thing is you can't choose.
Meanwhile, in the lonely planet, Syasya has taken over Abang's bed and seemed to be getting very independent. Eussuv on the other hand has becomed a bit reserved. No abang to bully him or him to bully. It's rather obvious that he's missing abang but never admit it one bit. Mom and Dad talk about Abang everyday and wait for his calls. Haha.. so much of trying teach a child to be independent!
I hope this will be temporary as we are getting used to it!
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