When you have expectation, you are most likely to be disappointed. I have learnt this all throughout my life. But how should one not have any expectation at all? Isn't life is about expectation? Perhaps we should rename it as something else.. but not expectation. Because after expectation is a disappointment. Ok fine, I'm such a pessimist! But really.. perhaps we should call it a dream, a goal, an aim? Isn't that something different altogether? An expectation, by defined meaning "a strong belief that something will happen or be the case". It is what we believe to happen. Hence comes in the disappointment if it didn't happen. You will be crushed, frustrated, agitated, and discouraged. A normal human reaction to a letdown.
Wikipedia defined expectation as "In the case of uncertainty, expectation is event that considered the most likely to happen. An expectation, which is a belief that is centered on the future, may or may not be realistic. A less advantageous result gives rise to the emotion of disappointment.". Just as I defined it even before I looked it up in Wiki.
So why am I talking about expectation today? I did not have expectation or whatsoever today and yet ended up feeling disappointed like I haven't felt for a long time. And it crushed me. Perhaps one would say, it's nothing compared to what other people go through in life. Hey no! First I don't want to compare to other people. Secondly, this is what I always to go through in life, this is not the first time, but the feeling always feel the same. Disappointing. Perhaps if I have expected it to be this way maybe I won't feel so dejected. I did not expect it at all. So even if you don't expect something to be that way, you could also be disappointed. Since I had almost a rotten day (I said almost because not all day is rotten.. the first half was a pleasant one!), you will hear me rambling all the negative sides of expectation. Perhaps it''s not even about expectation. I just like to put it that way. It is my page.. I can say whatever I want. Nobody's reading anyway.
Then again, there's also a rainbow at the end of expectation. When expectation is met. You didn't know it's gonna happen, but you expect or you hope it would happen. Then what you feel is joy, happiness, confident, and satisfied. So it could have some good vibes to it.
Perhaps it is all about how you manage expectation. Then you won't be so crushed after all.
It all boils down to your mental condition. How you can a manage a situation. The worst a person can do to another is accusing someone of something that he/she didn't do for the sake of putting a blame on someone unexpectedly. You are leaving the victim in pain, crushed, devastated, dejected and frustrated. If it happens once, you may forget about it. But if it happens over and over again, you are already setting the expectation trend, nevertheless the pain is still the same or perhaps even more. One thing for sure it never get less.
And this post is the most unexpected and for sure did not meet my expectation nor the readers. It's just a way for me to write something and letting something off my chest. Problem not solved but it's been poured out.
Coffee. Sleep. A good feel good movie. Beach. Ocean. Getaway. Girls only.
No expectation. No feelings. Go with the flow.