Ahhh I missed July.. I don't seem to be doing a good job in writing after all, no matter how much I want it. Perhaps there are things that you can't push too hard. It has to come straight from your heart.
Regardless, July and August have been good to me. Perhaps it finally sank in my head that you have to accept life as it is. You have to believe, truly truly believe that Allah has a plan for you, and he is the best planner among all.. He is the best planner of the entire universe, that you shouldn't doubt him not a single bit. Alhamdulillah, ironically the minute I plant this in my head, things seemed to come my way. I am more relaxed though I experience difficulties. Because I prostrate to him and ask him for forgiveness, I ask him to ease my difficulties, give me the clear road ahead to move on. And yes I believe he listens, he knows what's best for me. So just trust him, be patient. Even if I don't get the things I want now, perhaps I shall get it in the afterworld.
I never have long term plans in my life.. I dream it but I don't actually plan it like some people. I let life take its course without me realising it. Perhaps that is why I keep on looking for things in life. I know for sure there are some things in life that I want (without actually working for it, planning for it, just purely dreaming ). I want to travel the world, going to beautiful mountains and seas.. looking at the beautiful nature God has created for us. So yeah... perhaps someday. Even if I don't get it in this world, perhaps I would enter Jannah and have everything that I want there, at a blink of the eye. Only that, I really have to work hard for it.
I am so grateful for whatever, and wherever I am now. Grateful for this healthy body, food on the table, shelter above my head, beautiful family and siblings. No I don't regret not being rich, just enough will do. Alhamdulillah.
Perhaps in my next post I shall write more about happenings.. rather than just my thoughts. OK then, next in line will be my soon to be assumed project or my primary school reunion. We shall see..