Ahah! I surpass the count of two entries for a year! Way to go!!
Inspired by a real writer friend on the social media, reading her posts, reading her ramblings, I realised that my ramblings are all too general. Nothing deep, nothing specific. It's all about my feelings. My feelings about life, about people's life.. about how I can live my life. It's very dry. No wonder nobody reads my blog ( other than the fact that I am too shy to announce to the world that I have a blog!)!
So perhaps I should talk about my kids, my past life - in school, in the university, my childhood. The only challenge is that I vaguely remember my past. Really. There are so many things that I can't recall. Not that I ever had a bump in head or anything, it's just that I had a poor memory, that's all. But I will try. I will try to recall memories and make it interesting, just as my writer friend did. She made the unbearable situation becomes lively, colourful and interesting to read. The power of words.
Perhaps I should try first by recalling my childhood memories. I had such a great childhood. The kind childhood I wish my kids would experience. It's only common to have such childhood in the 70s where you can just roam around your hometown or village without having to worry of being kidnapped, raped or simply disappear like the way it is today. My childhood was full of cycling around the village with my best friend, playing in the flood during rainy reason (not many kids experienced this as it only happened in some areas in this country), camping in the back yard during long school holidays and not forgetting the games we played, ranging from rounders, football, and Malay traditional games... all in our front yard with the village kids. It was so much fun, exhilarating!
We lived in a small village where everybody knows each other, harmoniously regardless of race and religion. That's the beauty of a living in a village. I know almost everyone in the village for at least within a stretch of maybe 200m of each side of my house. And yet today, I don't know who lives even only 3 doors away from me.. and it's in a terraced link house, not a village house on a plot of land.
Ok tested. That's the kind of writing I should venture into. I failed miserably. I need a lot of practice,. But who's checking??? I need a guru.
So this is kind of a testing entry. I should fare better in my next post. We should try to narrow the subject, be specific, be focused.